Thursday, January 15, 2009

Staying Thin

I think that mentally one of the hardest things to do in the garden is thinning. It can be hard to go out in the garden and chucking what are otherwise perfectly good plants into the compost bin, just because they are a bit to close together. In the end I know that thinning helps the plants to grow better, but it can be tough to put into practice.

Thinning is not all hard though...if your timing is right, the plant can be great eating--even if they aren't quite fully grown yet. Earlier this week I picked over three pounds of beets and beet greens, just by thinning out those that were too close together.

This morning I pulled one of my miserable tiny carrot plants, only to find an almost full-length carrot underneath! This inspired me to go thin my carrots this afternoon...I hadn't done it yet because my carrots patch looked so sad that I had given up on them.

The pictures reflect purely thinning my beets and carrots this week. I am getting excited for the real harvesting!

Great gardening, and remember to stay thin!


  1. Wow! I'm so impressed! I've been thinking about gardening a lot lately. I'm worried I'll try to plant my seeds too soon though. Your carrots look delicious.

  2. The carrots are actually almost totally flavorless, but they have a crunch unlike anything you could get at the store. I am hoping that as the remaining ones get larger and older they will develop a more intense flavor.

  3. Too bad the carrots don't taste as good as they look. Fresh veggies from the garden sounds good right now. Our backyard is still covered in snow and the garden area is frozen.
