Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bright Lake (Old Settler's Park) Fishing

Friday night on the way home I decided to stop at Old Settler's Park across the street from my neighborhood and try fishing in Bright Lake, which is really just a small pond. I had a container of very dead worms that had been sitting in my car all day. The sunfish just couldn't get enough of them! I have never actually seen a fish caught in that lake, but I probably caught at least 20 of them, including this bass that latched onto about a half inch piece of a worm.

I really had intended to release them all, but then I killed a sunfish that swallowed a hook, so I decided to start keeping some of the larger ones--unfortunately it didn't occur to me to take a good picture with the heads still on.

In additional to the fish, I managed to catch about an 8" turtle that liked worms too! Luckily it was just caught in the lip, so I was able to release it with a quick flick of my pliers. I also had a snake trying to eat fish off my stringer!
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Fishing at lake Pflugerville

Well I finally decided to take up some Texas fishing. Lake Plugerville is about 10 miles from home. It is a small reservoir that was created a few years ago, but people catch some decent fish out of it.

The first picture is a largemouth bass I caught on my second cast Tuesday night. The others is from Friday morning when Steven and I went fishing before work. We caught at least a dozen small sunfish and minnows. This was one of my smallest, so it made a funny picture. I actually managed to catch a blacktail shiner about the size of my pinky, but it bounced away while I was snapping a photo. I actually didn't think anything that small would be possible to catch with a hook.
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