Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sometimes A $25 Tomato Seems Like A Bargain!

I hear people joke that with their home garden each tomato cost $25! I don't think that is far from the truth for me, and it got even closer when I tried to start up my rototiller last week. Extra stress on the tried. It turns out that I needed to replace my fuel pump and fuel lines. Today I did just that, and it still wouldn't run right.

After dismantling the carburetor I was surprised by what I found inside. The photo doesn't really do it justice, because you can't see just how thick all the garbage in the carburetor bowl was. It was huge chunks of hardened filth...the accumulation of years of neglect from the previous owner. After spending most of the day and about $70, I finally have a running rototiller again.

It's things like this that make me question my gardening efforts. I just have to look at it as my hobby. My friends spend their money to buy TVs, video games, computers, and whatever else they want. I can't do that, because I have a garden...and a rototiller...and kids.


  1. Eric wants me to ask you how you have time to fix stuff. Obviously Emily is very good about giving you time. I'm impressed you have a rototillar, we just use a hoe and it's a lot of work. Our garden is super small though.

  2. Well, I don't have much time at all, so most things just go on a mental to-do list and are never seen again. I was off work for two weeks and that is how we built the pantry, and yesterday I spent almost all day fixing that darn rototiller--so pretty much nothing else got done. I usually feel like I don't have much time for it at all, since I don't do chores or projects on Sunday.
